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HARLEY-DAVIDSON FLTC 1340 Tour Glide Classic 1994

130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINF F TL/TT - 130/90 B 16 M/C 73H REINF R TL/TT
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Michelin Commander III Touring

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Longevity, wet grip and handling performance for your touring bike.
130/90B16 73H
Fits my vehicle
130/90B16 73H
Fits my vehicle
Fitment sizes

1 recommended fitment sizes available

Here are other fitments available for the selected vehicle’s tire size. Those fitments can have different tire markings (Runflat technology, Manufacturer approval, Extra load…) explained in details on here https://www.michelin.inHere are other fitments available for the selected vehicle’s tire size. Those fitments can have different tire markings (Runflat technology, Manufacturer approval, Extra load…) explained in details on here

Recommended fitment sizes
130/90B16 73H

Michelin Commander II

No reviews yet, be our first reviewer!
Longevity and handling performance for custom, cruiser and touring bikes.
130/90B16 73H
Fits my vehicle
130/90B16 73H
Fits my vehicle
Fitment sizes

1 recommended fitment sizes available

Here are other fitments available for the selected vehicle’s tire size. Those fitments can have different tire markings (Runflat technology, Manufacturer approval, Extra load…) explained in details on here https://www.michelin.inHere are other fitments available for the selected vehicle’s tire size. Those fitments can have different tire markings (Runflat technology, Manufacturer approval, Extra load…) explained in details on here

Recommended fitment sizes
130/90B16 73H
130/90B16 73H